גלידת שטראוס אייס קפה |
in May I read a few press-releases about Stratus's new ice coffee/ice cream/ices
called Café Zero. It was being brought over from Italy after having major success
there, and in a few other countries around the world. Until yesterday I didn't
see this product in any kiosk, gas-station rest-stop shop or any other store that I checked, but I was on the lookout for it. When I came across it, in a
little kiosk yesterday, I asked the owner if he knew why it’s been so hard to find it. He said that only select stores and kiosks were given the option to sell it
because it’s still in the pilot stage here in Israel. They are to doing this "test" to see if it’s worth making
it a permanent product here. He told me that it sells very well in his small shop
and if that’s any indication he thinks by next summer it should be a permanent
product and much more readily available here in Israel.
Café Zero is available here in three flavors; Cappuccino, Espresso and Mocochino.
I tasted the Cappuccino flavor. Although I am not a coffee drinker; hot, cold
or iced, I do like coffee flavored ice cream so the idea of this cross between
ice cream/ices/ice coffee intrigued me and I was very curious to taste it.